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Bildet kan inneholde: azure, gjøre, elektrisk blå, kunst, grafikk.

SOMMERFELTIA is a series of monographs in plant taxonomy, phytogeo­graphy, phytosociology, plant ecology, plant morphology, and evolutionary botany. It is an international Open Access journal, published on the Versita Open Access platform after peer review and peer guidance. Sommerfeltia appears at irregular intervals, normally one article per volume.


The latest issues (31 - onwards) can be downloaded from the following website:



Editor: Rune Halvorsen
Email: rune.halvorsen @nhm.uio.no
Phone: +47 22 85 16 29

Technical editor: Jan Wesenberg
Email: jan.wesenberg@nhm.uio.no

Editorial Board: Scientific staff of the Natural History Museum, University of Oslo.

Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
Department of Research and Collections
P.O. Box 1172, Blindern
0318 OSLO

Additional information

SOMMERFELTIA SUPPLEMENT is a supplement to SOMMERFELTIA, for publications not intended to be original monographs. Authors, associated with the Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, are responsible for their own contribution to the supplement series.

Copyright: The author(s) and Natural History Museum, University of Oslo

Emneord: Sommerfeltia
Publisert 4. mai 2010 15:39 - Sist endret 24. apr. 2022 07:23